Saturday, September 23, 2017


Saturday, I had the chance to attend the Memphis Temple for the first time. Actually go inside. Actually experience quiet peace of the temple. I love going to the temple. It's a time to meditate in a quiet place away from the world. Most of the time I come away with wonderful inspired thoughts that help me grow or I get answers to prayers. This time was so very different than any visit has ever been. 

This visit was different because of all the amazing people I got to see. There were so many friends from Jacksonville there. It was a mini reunion filled with such great happiness. I miss the people from Jacksonville. I miss living near them. Then there were many new friends there from North Little Rock. It was such an amazing visit. 

Now I have to admit that once the beautiful reunions were done and we got to doing Gods work in his house. I received some personal inspiration that surprised me. I had been quietly listening when it came. I filed it away in the back of mind to revisit later on the car ride home or at home. Once I started to revisit it as I started to get back into mommy mode I became frustrated. I have filed it away for another day when I am ready to pull it out and learn from it.

So much for ending the day with Peace. Our home quickly became very busy once we returned. Our evening filled with children's activities. Checking chores. Making sure homework was done. We don't like kids to do it on Sunday. We want them to have a day off.

(me sighing) 

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto: not as the world giveth,give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled , neither let it be afraid. 

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