Monday, November 27, 2017

Aches & Pains

It's not the best photo in the world. Look I have hair growing back! It's awesome! I had to pull out a new razor to start shaving my legs. Which is cool. Except it's growing in so fast I feel like a man who has to shave every day. I didn't have to do that before. Crazy! 

Went back to work today which was wonderful. I love a good solid routine. it comes. I came home with my joints aching like hell. I am sure that this is what would feel like in hell. I haven't felt anything like this. All my joints including my finger joints, elbows, knees...especially my hips were achy. (here me sighing) It has been hard to get comfy. Even my amazing recliner was hard to sit in. 

Praying I can sleep well. 


  1. I was actually thinking about you last night- my son had his nails fall off about 2 weeks ago and now his toenails are falling off. Unlike girls- he could care less.
    I'm sorry you're aching. Is it neuropathy? I hope you do get some good sleep.

    1. Thank you for the comment. I am still struggling still with sleep. I could see boys not caring about theirs falling off. My son thought my toe nails looked awesome for a while. My finger nails aren't going to fall out, Thank Heavens.
